How to use BeeIPTV ?

Find tutorials to the most commonly used features about BeeIPTV.

Step 1: Accessing the Settings

On the home screen, long-press the Settings button to initiate the reset process.

Settings Button Focus
Step 2: Reset Password Dialog

Once the dialog box appears, it will ask if you want to reset your password. Select RESET to proceed.

Reset Password Dialog

Step 1: Ensure Proper Setup

Before synchronizing, make sure both devices:

  • Are connected to the same Wi-Fi network.
  • Have the same version of the BeeIPTV app (using the latest version is recommended).
Step 2: Open the User List

Go to the user list screen and click on the Synchronize icon.

Synchronize Icon Highlight
Step 3: Choose an Option

Once the synchronization dialog appears, you will have two options:

  • SEND: To share your list with another device.
  • RECEIVE: To import the list from another device.
Synchronization Dialog

Select the appropriate option and follow the on-screen instructions to complete the synchronization process.

Step 1: Open the User List

Go to the user list screen and long click on the User you want to share.

Synchronize Icon Highlight
Step 2: Choose an Option

Once the dialog appears, you will have three options:

  • Delete: To delete the user and it's favorite lists.
  • GET QR Code: To generate qr code to share it threw social media.
  • Rename: To rename the user .
Synchronization Dialog
Step 3: select GET QR CODE

Once you select GET QR CODE ,a dialog will appear with a qr code and a share button ,click on share and chose which app you want to share with

Synchronization Dialog

Step 1: Download the QR Code

If you received a QR code from another user via social media, first download the image to your device.

Step 2: Open the QR Code

Navigate to the downloaded QR code image in your gallery or file manager.

Step 3: Share the QR Code

Select the Share option for the QR code image.

Step 4: Scan QR Code with BeeIPTV

Look for the option "Scan QR code with BeeIPTV" in the sharing options and click on it.

Scan QR Code with BeeIPTV
Step 5: Add the User

Once the app scans the QR code, it will automatically add the user to your list and connect to it.

Step 1: Open the QR Code Generator

Navigate to the QR code generator page.

Step 2: Enter Your Details

Input your portal URL and MAC address into the provided fields.

Step 3: Generate QR Code

Click on the "Generate QR Code" button to create a scannable QR code.

Step 4: Share or Scan the QR Code

You can now share the generated QR code via social media or transfer it to your other devices.

Step 5: Scan QR Code in BeeIPTV

Open the BeeIPTV app, go to the Add New User screen, and click the Scan QR Code button to scan the generated QR code.

QR Code Generator Screen